Si   rende   noto   che   con   decreto   direttoriale   n.    DD
03655(296).VII. presso la Scuola  IMT  Alti  Studi,  Lucca,
istituto statale  di  istruzione  universitaria  di  alta  formazione
dottorale con ordinamento speciale, e' stata indetta una procedura di
valutazione comparativa per una posizione  di  borsa  a  progetto  in
Image-Based plant phenotyping con le seguenti specifiche: 
      Duration: 36 months; 
      Compensation: € 13.638 gross/year; 
      Project: Research within the EU FP7  funded  project  «PHIDIAS:
Plant Phenotyping with a High-throughput,  Intelligent,  Distributed,
and Integrated Analysis System» for the  development  of  centralized
image analysis  and  processing  algorithms  for  the  extraction  of
phenotype related features from plant images; 
      Fields: Image-Based plant phenotyping;  image  analysis;  image
processing; machine learning; 
      Specific Competencies: The candidate must have prior experience
in image based phenotyping and  biomedical  imaging  demonstrated  by
scientific publications.  In  addition,  the  candidate  should  have
demonstrated experience with machine learning algorithms applied in a
biomedical context; 
      Formal requirements: You must currently enrolled in an  Italian
Ph.D. Program and must not have any  other  Ph.D.  scholarships;  you
must have an excellent knowledge of English, both written and spoken; 
      Research Unit: PRIAn - Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis; 
      Research Area: Computer Science and Applications. 
    Il  bando  di  concorso  con  indicazione  delle   modalita'   di
presentazione delle  domande  e'  pubblicato  all'albo  online  della
scuola sul sito web all'indirizzo 
    Il termine di scadenza per la presentazione delle domande e' il 9
gennaio 2012.