Si rende noto  che  presso  la  Scuola  IMT  Alti  Studi,  Lucca,
istituto statale  di  istruzione  universitaria  di  alta  formazione
dottorale con ordinamento speciale, e' stata indetta una procedura di
valutazione comparativa per due posizioni di Post-Doctoral Fellow con
le sequente specifiche: 
      Post-Doctoral Fellow in Art History - due posizioni: 
        Activities: Research;  teaching  and  tutoring  the  School's
Ph.D. students; management and development of research areas. 
      In particular, the successful candidate will: 
        generate new individual research in the areas of Art  History
and Modes of  vision  and  fruition,  with  particular  reference  to
Museology, History of Collecting Psychology of Vision; 
        establish research partnerships in the area  of  Art  History
and Modes of  vision  and  fruition,  with  particular  reference  to
Museology, History of Collecting, Psychology of Vision; 
        collaborate in transferring the research  activities  carried
out within the research unit, into the MDCH Ph.D. Program. 
      Fields:  Possible  topics  related  to  the  research  activity
        Art History; 
        History of Collecting; 
        Cultural Heritage Protection and Fruition; 
      Requirements: A Ph.D. in a related field with special  emphasis
on Art History and Cultural Heritage. 
    Strong record of publications  and  participation  in  collective
research projects related to Cultural Heritage, Art History, Modes of
Vision, History of Collecting, Psychology of Vision. 
    A  Goal-oriented  nature  and  the   ability   to   work   in   a
multi-disciplinary and  multi-cultural  team  and  to  interact  with
non-academic institutions or companies are important. 
    I bandi di concorso sono pubblicati all'Albo Online della  Scuola
sul sito web all'indirizzo http://www.imtlucca. 
    La domanda  di  partecipazione  deve  essere  presentata  tramite
procedura interamente on-line secondo le indicazioni dei bandi. 
    Il termine di scadenza per  la  presentazione  delle  domande  e'
fissato a mezzogiorno, ora italiana, del 5 settembre 2011.